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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of antidepressant users and non-users

From: Association between antidepressant use during pregnancy and autism spectrum disorder in children: a retrospective cohort study based on Japanese claims data


Antidepressant use during pregnancy

User (n = 195)

Non-user (n = 26,730)

Maternal age at birtha)

 mean (SD), y

32.1 (4.57)*

31.4 (4.39)

  < 20, n, (%)

0 (0.0)

17 (0.1)

 20–29, n, (%)

59 (30.3)

9001 (33.7)

 30–39, n, (%)

124 (63.6)

16,838 (63.0)

40, n, (%)

12 (6.2)

874 (3.3)

 Diagnosed as depressed during pregnancyb), n, (%)

159 (81.5)**

120 (0.4)

 Child gender ratio (% male)



  1. Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation
  2. a)t-test; *, P < 0.05
  3. b)χ2 test; **, P < 0.01